Reading Time: 2 minutes At iSolutions, collecting software metrics is crucial for delivering adequate customer support and meeting our Service Level Agreements. We gather dozens of metrics from various systems and use Grafana to query and visualize them. Additionally, we maintain an in-house Alert system that utilizes some of these metrics as the basis for some alerts.Historically, we relied […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes A focused product roadmap and ongoing attention to market and customer needs are essential tools for guiding the development and evolution of a product over time. Therefore, we constantly strive to build strong, purposeful product roadmaps. The steps we follow to build our roadmaps are summarized below:  1) Listening, comparing, and sharing customers’ ideas (current […]

Reading Time: 5 minutes As developers, we tend to focus a lot on solving problems. It’s what we do for a living after all, we receive someone’s problem and we code up a solution. After a while, we develop a keen eye for problems that need to be solved. That’s just what we do, but in doing so we […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes At iSolutions, the performance of the proprietary sportsbook software iSBets is crucial, always taken into account during development and architectural choices.The iSBets application websites operate in particularly critical areas, handling traffic in the order of thousands of connections per minute. The website needs to be always responsive, and placement needs to happen in real time. […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes Another big change that we have done with Evolution is introducing Agile on all the company. I remember very well when Gian Maria Ricci a lot of years ago help us understanding why agile can be very important and very useful (and also aligned to company values). For me, it was a completely new way […]